Happy to see you here!
I’m Zaklina
(you probably know me by my nickname-Zaza)
Psychologist by profession
Female Empowerment Coach by choice
After 10+ years of studying self-confidence and self-esteem, I realized that what I know I have to share with the world because there’s a woman out there that needs to hear today that she is enough, that she is important and that she is perfect just the way she is.
I struggled with feelings of depression and anxiety for the big part of my life. My self-esteem was non-existent and I had no voice, no confidence and only hate for myself.
That lead me to a serious eating disorder that I was struggling with for 15 years, some very destructive love relationships, lousy jobs, and fake friendships.
I suffered in silence, as many who struggle with negative self-image do.
It took me a long time and a lot of learning, research, trial and error to come to the point in my life where I am now.
Now I know with certainty that the future is bright no matter what it brings me, because I am a strong, grounded person.
I can rely on myself, I know how to deal with my feelings, I know how to set boundaries and my whole way of being demands respect from others.
Now I can be me and feel safe about it.
I don’t have a need to prove anything to anyone.
I know that what I want, I can get.
Life is fun, easy and worth living!
Education and certifications:
After 12 years of studying human psychology, attending different coaching programs, 100s of hours of work with clients and many organized workshops, I realized that working on our mental health, living a harmonized life,and practicing a stress-free lifestyle is a fundamental of longevity. Helping people to do just that is what I am determined to do.
I got my BA degree in psychology in 2016 at the UNLV, Las Vegas USA and from there I decided that coaching people on creating their dream life is what I am really passionate about.
In 2014 I got certified as a workshop facilitator during 5-day intense training in San Diego, CA by Louise Hay’s program Heal Your Life.
I continued my education in the area of coaching by getting certified as a life coach.I attended Core 100 Training at the RMT Institute, Official Coaching School of Tony Robbins.
Currently, I am finishing a 6-month long coaching certification program at the Coaching Academy by NLP Institute.