We all want to project a picture of high self-esteem. In American culture it is especially important to be confident and strong. Otherwise, you are invisible. So how does someone with self-esteem issues deal with it without projecting desperate picture out in the world?
A side note: Everyone and I mean EVERYONE had some self-esteem issues at some point in their lives or in certain areas of their lives. Sometimes people who seem most confident are the ones who have the most problems. So, like with everything else in life, don’t compare yourself with others. Live your life and strive to feel better and be better for your own sake and not because you want applause from strangers!
First thing first- Count your blessings!
Gratitude is one of the most important practices you can adopt. If you make it your daily ritual it has potential to transform your life! When we put on paper all the good things we have in life it becomes much harder to feel sorry for ourselves, to be angry at ourselves for not being better or have more, or to be jealous of others.
The reason we feel like we have low self-esteem is because we think we are not enough or we don’t have enough compared to others. When you take time to acknowledge what is good in YOUR life you what others have will become less important.
Second-Look deep inside
and ask yourself are the things you are beating yourself about really so bad?
Chances are that they are not; they are just small things other people don’t really notice about you! We tend to over-exaggerate our flaws and downplay our good sides.
Well, now it’s time to flip that switch. Look at yourself in the mirror and find 10 things that are great about you! Make this your daily practice, do it in the morning and before going to bed. And do it every day till the rest of your life! Why forever? Because there’s no person in the world that is always super self-confident and no matter how much you manage to build yourself up you want to keep working on it so that you keep it up!
Third-work on yourself
So, you have low self-esteem because you have 10kg extra? Well no matter how many other great things you find about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror it won’t help if the root of your problem lies in your extra weight. There’s no room for laziness. Being lazy and feeling sorry for yourself because you are “big” won’t help. Get moving girl!
Your self-esteem AND your self-respect will skyrocket when you start taking care of yourself and face your problem head on.
Is it gonna be easy to lose 10kg? Hell no! Is it gonna happen fast? Probably not. There’s gonna be some exercising and dieting to do but with every day you stick to your plan you are going to feel better and better about yourself.
So, no matter what is causing your problem-extra weight, shape of your nose, the way you talk…anything and everything has a SOLUTION! You just need to be brave enough and creative enough to find it and then determined enough to stick with it!
(I had issues with my tinny boobs so I got a boob job-it was a challenge to finance it and to go through the operation but I did it! Did it solve all my problems? Absolutely not, but at least it did make me feel more confident about the way I look so I could check that one off my list and start working on other things that were causing me to feel down.)
High self-esteem is not a tangible object, it can’t be measured and it is invisible. But it could be felt! And you know yourself well enough to know when you are “shining” and when you are “hiding”. So, emphasize those good sides, work on the “bad” ones and remember that everyone has bad days, take it easy and most importantly learn to LOVE yourself no matter what! You are unique and when you embrace it you will become truly confident!