I think that we can all agree that the habits are there to make our life easier.
But there’s a point when easiness becomes a limit to living a happy, liberated, fun life!
If I would ask you if you wanted to live a predictable, boring life for the next 50 years you would scream NOOO to my face.
But if I don’t ask you anything, if I don't talk about your habits, you would do exactly that-you would live that same old boring life BUT you wouldn't be aware of that until, at some point, you would wake up and realize nothing has changed in your life for years!
I am pushing it here a little bit, and maybe YOU personally are an adrenaline junkie, but a lot of people are living more or less the same lives for years. It’s easy, it’s familiar, maybe not very comfortable but definitely SAFE.
And that’s the trick, the feeling of safety that we all crave becomes our enemy at some point.
If there’s something we want to change in our reality WE need to change first!
We need to change:
Who we are
How we think
How we feel
And what we focus on
Staying in the comfort zone is the worst thing you can do to yourself!!
That place is toxic!!!!!!
In the comfort zone you don't become the best version of yourself, and if you don’t challenge yourself you won’t stay the same, you will deteriorate.
That is why the only way to live your BEST life is to challenge yourself, to always strive to be better, do better and to do things that you know you NEED to do even though maybe you don’t WANT to do them.
It’s not about what’s easy, it's about what you need to be the person you are PROUD of!!!!
Lot’s of love,
P.S. have you checked out my Instagram lately, a lot of great free info there :)