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How to do affirmations - 5 steps to manifest your BEST LIFE

Writer's picture: Zaza JacquelineZaza Jacqueline

You probably heard the talk about affirmations. Maybe you tried it. Maybe you think all is just a big hocus pocus and it doesn’t make sense.

I’m here today to tell you that affirmations DO work but you need to work them. What I mean by it? Keep reading!

What are affirmations?

Affirmation can be just a simple phrase that we repeat with intention. It’s a statemen like “I’m loving and lovable”, “I feel confident” or “I’m a millionaire”.

Affirmations are typically statements about something that we don’t have yet, something that we desire, we strive for. But repeating this to ourselves, when we know it’s not true feels crazy right? It totally does, I agree. However, the thing with manifesting anything that we desire in our lives is faith paired with positive expectation and inspired action.

So, what does all of that mean?

If we look back at the moments when we succeeded at something vs when we didn’t there’s one major difference: in moments of success, our energy was positive, we were filled with positive expectations, we knew we still don’t have the thing but we were confident that it’s coming. That there’s no way for it not to show up.

Subconscious mind is stubborn, it tends to stay where it currently is, reproducing the same circumstances we are already living. Subconscious mind believes what you repeat to it constantly-no matter how true or not those words are.

The reason most of us are living the same circumstances, day after day, even week after week is because we keep on thinking the same thoughts and believing the same things.

So, with that being said-if we want to change something in our reality, we need to change the way we think about our reality and since the subconscious mind is a big player here, we need to reprogram her. And that’s where affirmations get on the stage!

How to do affirmations:

1. Do it daily

It needs to be intense; it needs to be strong in order to drill it in your subconscious mind. Think of training a dog-our subconscious mind is kind of primitive, it’s instinctive, it’s like an animal mind and the only way to access it and change it is to intensely work with it. You need: 5 min periods, quiet environment, focus, and at least 1 month commitment (the more deep seeded the belief we need to change, the longer time it will take).

2. Short, concise (phrase, not even a sentence)

Examples: I am a milioner, I am confident, I have unlimited energy, I’m always taking action, I am good at selling my services, I’m calm and focused. The reason it should be short is because you need to be able to repeat it many times since repetition is a queen of success in training our subconscious mind.

3. Stated in the positive

(think-not moving away what you don’t want, but being in the energy of what you do want)

For example: I want to lose weight (not-I’m not fat, vs I'm at my perfect weight). I am always at 62kg, that’s my ideal weight and my friend that’s been struggling with her weight is just mind blown how I manage to keep this weight and eat whatever I want (almost). I believe it’s easy for me to be at my ideal weight. But I got myself to this point in to have that mindset because I was using affirmation “I’m at my ideal weight” for a very long time.

Now, the thing here is-if the affirmation you picked is giving you the negative feeling, if it’s hard for you to believe it or at least stay neutral then pick another one. In my example-I wanted to be at 59kg (that is not a good weight for me but I didn’t know it at the time) however, that wasn’t something I could get behind. So, I picked “I’m at my ideal weight” instead and I let the universe do the rest.

4. Start the affirmation with “I am”

It speaks directly to shaping your identity, to the core of who you really are. It is also “a name for God”

When we say I am it has a certain power, and it also connects us directly with who we truly are!

5. In the present tense not in the future

You are creating the new belief, new state of being, confidence. And you want that to become your new reality, your new life, a new you. So, in order to create that, you need to start feeling it NOW, already in this moment. You need to align your energy with your new state of being. Words program how we think and feel, and from there they create our reality,

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