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I don'd give a F...k Guide to Emotional Freedom

Writer's picture: Zaza JacquelineZaza Jacqueline

I want to take you back to the time when you didn’t know what's the ideal of beauty, when how good of a person you are was measured by the year and brand of your car, when you didn’t care what kind of shirt you were wearing… The only thing that was important then was having fun, being happy and enjoying life! 

I have a two year old and I admire her way of living! She knows exactly what she wants and she goes for it. Yes, she falls down and she hits herself and she cries when she doesn't manage BUT she's not defeated by her failure! She tries again or moves on to something more fun because she knows that life doesn't revolve around one toy and that fun exists in many shapes. 

Now, I know we can’t act like two year olds and that temper tantrums in the store thrown by an adult woman would get us committed (or at least stared at) BUT crazy emotions on a side there’s a lesson here! 

The lesson is: once upon a time 

  • we knew that we don't have to compare ourselves with others. 

  • We knew that us wanting something doesn't mean that everyone else is going home empty handed and sad. 

  • We knew that we can have the things we want one way or another. 

  • We knew we didn't have to prove that we are worthy of a toy. 

Then we started looking outside of ourselves. WE STOPPED BELIEVING IN OUR INNER GUIDANCE AND WE STARTED PUTTING ALL OUR FAITH IN OTHERS. Maybe it was mom and then our best friend, then our boyfriend or our boss at work. There was always someone who “knew better”. 

We lost touch with ourselves and that’s where all the insecurities, doubts, and fears came from. 

We are feeling alone when we are with ourselves and that's why we need to find distractions at every turn! 

So now when we understand how we got here in the “not loving yourself” land let’s see why you should cut that crap and why you should love yourself like crazy instead! 

And to show you how to do that, Ii’m gonna ask you some questions. Also, I want you to take a regular practice-ASK QUESTIONS! Always question whenever any negative thought or belief that's not serving you pop up! Shine the light on your demons if you want them to disappear into the thin air where they came from anyway!!! 

  1. Who says you are not worthy?

  2. What’s your evidence that you are not worthy?

  3. When did you start believing that you are not worthy? P.S. You don't have to write these down, they are in description. 

This is good one, so let's go deeper here:

  • How did that particular event that came to mind when I asked the above question affected the way you felt in the moment?

  • What were your thoughts?

  • How did that event and the way you felt reflected on your life from then on?

We all have some traumatic events in our past, some events that made us feel ashamed, less than, stupid,… in short, events that are packed full with negative emotions! These events usually find their way into our subconscious and make a mess. We start believing that we are loosers, stupid, incompetent, bad looking, … 

The time goes by, we don't really think about that particular event but it’s still in our subconscious because we didn't deal with it! And from there it dictates how we feel and how we act and how we think. Digging into the wound that we want to forget is not fun but that's the only way to heal it. We need to find it first, we need to take all the crap out and we need to get rid of it. We need to ask all the hard questions about it and we need to lay down new beliefs. 

So find your wound (warning, most of us have more than one) and clean it and heal it! 

How to do it? Journal journal journal!!! And if you don't know what questions to ask, download my free journaling prompts for healing your subconscious mind (click here-Guide to Emotional Freedom) It will help you get going. Do it every day. Journaling should become your must do on a daily basis so that you not just heal your mind and soul but keep it healthy as well. 

So i promised that i’ll give you all the reasons why you should start feeling worthy of every single one of your dreams, why you should never accept any crap from anyone and why you should be super proud of yourself so here it goes:

  • You are unique and as such you can't be compared to anyone else, therefore you can’t be less than anyone else. 

  • You were never meant to earn happiness and therefore you can just BE happy here and now.

  • Contrary to popular belief there’s no norm for how anyone should look like and act so just do your thing.

  • You are enough just the way you are and when you start accepting your authentic self you will attract others who will appreciate you for you! Don't be afraid to show your true face

  • You should never accept any crap because you are as good as anyone. Humanity is not measured by zeros on a bank account, clothes or number of instagram followers. Humanity is humanity and it doesn't require anything except pure emotions. 

  • You are living your life, you are number one in your reality, you are created perfectly and the sooner you get back to thinking positively about yourself the sooner you will be living your best life!!! 

Lots of love,


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