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I see so many women with wonderful gifts struggling.  

You think that your offer is not good enough, that your copy is off, that your prices are too high or too low… You keep trying to figure out why everything that you put out there brings no results!

So, let's be honest!


Do you feel a little lost and you are having hard time figuring out what direction you need to take in life or business?


Do you feel like days are just passing and you are still where you were a month ago, or 6 months ago… even years ago?!


Are you concerned about what others think of you?


Are you wasting your time on completely insignificant things instead of focusing on building that business you are dreaming about?


Are you feeling lost when it comes to goal setting process, you can’t get that to-do list off the way ever and you just don’t know where to start?

I know… I was that girl… until I stopped giving f..k what others think or how they see me!

I stopped myself from giving in to my excuses! I decided to feel the fear and do it anyway because I realized that I am not living my life, I’m just waiting for it to pass, hopping someday somehow my dreams are going to come true. 

The point is-you won’t get anywhere until you stop paying attention to what others think, pull yourself together, get motivated, get clear minded and focused!!

I was FORCED to wake up, to take charge and start creating MY life MY way!!!!!  

But you don’t have to wait for something outside of yourself to PUSH you.

You can and NEED to do it yourself!!! 

And NOW!

No time to wait, no time to waste! 

Every day you are staying in that “I’m kind of alive zone” is day less you get to enjoy all the wonderful things you can have!!!


And we are not talking just about your business here, we are talking life in general.  


If you are scared you are not living.


If you don’t love yourself you are not living.


If you are procrastinating you are not living.

Until you change your bad habits, get some structure into your everyday life, crush your fears and learn how to set AND achieve goals… you won’t be living a wonderful, crazy happy, totally fun life of your dreams!!!! And you DO want to live that life of your dreams and that’s why we are here! 

So, what is this course all about?

In "Unapologetic & Unstoppable", you'll learn:


How to become more confident (aka. not give a f..k what other people think)


How to build yourself up to be the best possible version of yourself 


How to deal with bad habits, procrastination, lack of inspiration


How to break through your fears and you yourself become fears smashing queen 


How to set your goals in a way that won’t be overwhelming but exciting, and how to make an action plan to tackle any goal like a pro

Bonus 1:

You will get a bonus module talking in depth about self-love. Loving ourselves is foundation of happiness and success. Unfortunately, many of us don’t even realize that they are lacking that main component. Same way as you can’t have a safe house without properly built foundation, you can’t be happy and successful without loving yourself for who you are. 

Bonus 2:

To help you get there, you are also getting an amazing affirmation book that contains different affirmations to use in different situations or when you want to improve a specific area in life. 



Wow wow wow!!

You cover so much in this course, every area possible when it comes to dealing with mindset issues in business and life in general. Its packed with such great advice and each homework module really made me question my thoughts and actions...some thoughts I’d never considered before!! 

So some of the homework was things I already do....however.....even though I already do them your words and questions actually made me view all of these in a slightly new light! So, guess what I’m saying is, this course still works perfectly and is super beneficial for women that ALREADY work on their mindset, not just complete newbies! You’ve reached a really large audience with this course ZaZa! (high fives!!!) 

All the lectures were so helpful and thought provoking. I loved how it taught me to take notice (as I do every day now!!) to the negative things I say about myself.

I thought you drew attention to poor time management so beautifully, then tied it in so seamlessly into showing up for your clients online. Really really well put together! Because of you I honestly now see my differences as my unique selling points!!! I’m going to be completely true to myself so much more now because of your words, thank you so much ZaZa, that’s all down to this incredible course you designed. 

It’s like 7 different stand-alone courses all rolled into one, it’s incredibly valuable. After completing this there is literally no other courses anyone would need to take?!  

I don’t think I can sing your praises enough!! 

Nicole xx

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I came into contact with Zaklina six months ago and she is phenomenal in what she does.

She mixes psychological theories with spiritual and universal perspectives and she has a tailor-made coaching style that can affect most subjects on many levels. She gives homework in the true KBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy) spirit and along with her professional side, she reveals that she is a good and exciting person who can really tell it like it is and who can give a pep talk like no other. 

I am grateful that I contacted her and I look forward to working on my goals with her. Zaklina is my encouraging, supportive, honest soul sister and she is such an inspiration!


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