Ask yourself WHY! Why did I start this business, why do I want to succeed, why is this important to my customers.
We all have different reasons behind us but all of us must keep that initial vision in our minds all the time. That first rush that took over you when you decided to stop dreaming and start doing is fuel that will keep you going when times get tough. And they will… as they always do… because everything in life goes through ups and downs, cycles…
Interesting fact is that you need to keep that vision in front of your eyes during ups as much as during downs. Because it is obvious that during downs that vision will help you through, but during ups… it’s a slightly different story.
During ups we get … we think that it will last forever, that we are untouchable. It is easy to forget why we started all of this but if we do, it will all start tumbling down. Our customers will feel it, they wont like it, they will leave and go to someone else who is still passionate and puts them first.
So never take your eyes of the ball! Your ball is your vision, your guiding star. Make sure to have it clearly defined. Captain of the ship doesn’t go sailing with “somewhere” as his final destination. He knows exactly where he is going and that way it is much easier to get there. Even Colombo had a destination in his mind (completely wrong one, but he had one) and even though he didn’t get where he intended he sailed with a clear purpose in his mind.